We live in a small world with big problems.
A small world where anyone with right kind of paperwork can travel anywhere in the world.
How do we win a war in a far away land where the rules of war are not the same and the characters we fight view death as victory?
Tonight I watched the Bob Woodruff piece "To Iraq and Back " on ABC.
The piece rattled me.
Within me it exposed some of my casual views on war.
War, we live with it in our media but do we live with it in our minds?
I fall asleep worrying about mostly inconsequential things but the spouses, mothers and fathers worrying for their soldiers...
The Woodruff piece really challenged my thinking.
I have heard people say "It is sad that we are losing soldiers but not that many are dying compared to some of the great battles..."
Casual thinking about war.
I have seen trauma in the back of an ambulance fresh off a scene and trauma on the way to a long term rehab center...
Have I seen war trauma? Do we see much of it except for the finality of death at clips from funerals?
Woodruff's piece highlighted the fact that less soldiers are dying. Death makes the headlines but the thousands of young service men and women suffering from battle injury is exponential and it is far away from American awareness. (From Iraq and Afghanistan numbers: 23,000 non fatal injuries - 200,000 have gone to V.A. for care).
The "Second Fight:" Taking care of our veterans at home.
The decisions that our nation's leaders are tremendous. Is right to send into war and not always provide the resources for recovery?
America has incredible war technology.
America has incredible life saving war medicine.
But what quality of life do some of the survivors have?
Is their pain our pain?
Woodruff's personal story and his investigation into Traumatic Brain Injury and the way vets are treated challenged my perception of the war and socked me in gut... the experiences of the wounded and their family. What a price they pay - how can we help them carry this burden?
it is hard to be poor in a plastic society
walking out of the door of big g's in A2 after making some purchases for class a lady approached me asking for money - she gave me an explanation of why she had no money and why she needed money - her speech was slurred and she assured this wasn't no game
i told her i only had a few bucks (4) but i would take her anywhere she needed and offered to take her into Kroger to purchase groceries with her but she did not like that idea
she put out her ciagarete and loaded into the car
she told me she was diabetic and that explained some of her behavior and indecision and sluggish nonverbal activity.
our journey the next 5-10 minutes only took us a few blocks here and there
we went to several stops in the neighborhood but she continued to want to move on someplace to look for solutions- i asked her if her sugar was low and she said yes - we pulled through McD's
our next stop was Kroger
said a short prayer for her
she finished her McD's
she asked me if i wanted some R&B CDs but then she coughed a chuckle - "you probably don't listen to that kinda music." i told her she needed her music for her-not sure what she wanted to do with her music.
i dropped her off at the door offering to help her make some purchases but she said she had another plan- spoke my hope that she finds what she needs - that she finds what she needs today
diaper dasher
in my younger days when i chummed around chicago with street dwellers and cons i was so optimistic that whatever it was i was doing would be the moment - be that something that gave them the momentum to escape. even the time when i got tricked into purchasing the biggest most expensive (took all the money i had!) pack of diapers - as soon as i handed the money at the counter the guy took off with the diaper pack, the pack was half as big as him and he barely fit through the revolving door- so much for meeting his wife and baby... later found out that diapers and baby formula are two very powerful pieces of merchandise on the street.
at one point when K and I were discussing money i blurted out that i hate money - not in a hateful way - i think she understood what i was saying for the both of us - i told her she was financially unlucky to cross my path - our eyes connected
why is it awkward to talk about money? why in america is there such a connection between money and our heart?
i speak for K, the diaper dasher and all my friends that once lived within Lower Wacker:
it is hard to be poor in a plastic society
it is even harder to be poor in a rich country
my gaze and heart have been fixed on third world places
when i worked in Emergency Medical Services i practically gave up believing that this nation would resolve OUR poverty issue, resolve the way sick people are cared for
been considering the universal picture
the scope of where i am and who i am and what
what i can do - i have direction - it is the same direction it was - the course has not changed only the vehicle (me)
the misadventures of pooh are over
"click" in my mind and heart - i know this - nothing is amiss
streets are places to take is from one place to another- streets are different on days like today for K - STREET is all the places moms like K have to go looking for an opportunity to survive - survive one day at a time - even the streets of a city more suburban than urban
i am home now - my hands are still cold even after a few moments of typing and pounding out my thoughts - must toughen my 5 senses - discontinue my plastic, casual, misadventures
the car smells like old cigarette smoke and street
Jesus smelled like street
he wouldn't dis somebody in a parking lot on a cold day
i saw her coming - i still have great street radar - i know what was coming - first thought was duck into car and get going
a trip into K's world and a heavy dose of healthy introspection:
Jesus people should smell like street...not plastic
walking out of the door of big g's in A2 after making some purchases for class a lady approached me asking for money - she gave me an explanation of why she had no money and why she needed money - her speech was slurred and she assured this wasn't no game
i told her i only had a few bucks (4) but i would take her anywhere she needed and offered to take her into Kroger to purchase groceries with her but she did not like that idea
she put out her ciagarete and loaded into the car
she told me she was diabetic and that explained some of her behavior and indecision and sluggish nonverbal activity.
our journey the next 5-10 minutes only took us a few blocks here and there
we went to several stops in the neighborhood but she continued to want to move on someplace to look for solutions- i asked her if her sugar was low and she said yes - we pulled through McD's
our next stop was Kroger
said a short prayer for her
she finished her McD's
she asked me if i wanted some R&B CDs but then she coughed a chuckle - "you probably don't listen to that kinda music." i told her she needed her music for her-not sure what she wanted to do with her music.
i dropped her off at the door offering to help her make some purchases but she said she had another plan- spoke my hope that she finds what she needs - that she finds what she needs today
diaper dasher
in my younger days when i chummed around chicago with street dwellers and cons i was so optimistic that whatever it was i was doing would be the moment - be that something that gave them the momentum to escape. even the time when i got tricked into purchasing the biggest most expensive (took all the money i had!) pack of diapers - as soon as i handed the money at the counter the guy took off with the diaper pack, the pack was half as big as him and he barely fit through the revolving door- so much for meeting his wife and baby... later found out that diapers and baby formula are two very powerful pieces of merchandise on the street.
at one point when K and I were discussing money i blurted out that i hate money - not in a hateful way - i think she understood what i was saying for the both of us - i told her she was financially unlucky to cross my path - our eyes connected
why is it awkward to talk about money? why in america is there such a connection between money and our heart?
i speak for K, the diaper dasher and all my friends that once lived within Lower Wacker:
it is hard to be poor in a plastic society
it is even harder to be poor in a rich country
my gaze and heart have been fixed on third world places
when i worked in Emergency Medical Services i practically gave up believing that this nation would resolve OUR poverty issue, resolve the way sick people are cared for
been considering the universal picture
the scope of where i am and who i am and what
what i can do - i have direction - it is the same direction it was - the course has not changed only the vehicle (me)
the misadventures of pooh are over
"click" in my mind and heart - i know this - nothing is amiss
streets are places to take is from one place to another- streets are different on days like today for K - STREET is all the places moms like K have to go looking for an opportunity to survive - survive one day at a time - even the streets of a city more suburban than urban
i am home now - my hands are still cold even after a few moments of typing and pounding out my thoughts - must toughen my 5 senses - discontinue my plastic, casual, misadventures
the car smells like old cigarette smoke and street
Jesus smelled like street
he wouldn't dis somebody in a parking lot on a cold day
i saw her coming - i still have great street radar - i know what was coming - first thought was duck into car and get going
a trip into K's world and a heavy dose of healthy introspection:
Jesus people should smell like street...not plastic
BACK: Back to blogging and something else is back...
LOST: While watching the preview part of LOST's return my frustration
with this tele tale became clarified. I have never really been a hater in fact generally I love (strange string of words) the show because of its imaginative potential, the complex, messed up grossly beautiful and relationally clumsy characters. Rather than being a snob - with and the amount of TV Americans consume- why shouldn't we feel like media critics - tis the way of journalism these days - editorialization.
Sorry about the tanget...
LOST captured my imagination in the past because the story was wide open - all things were new - faces, places, back stories. The early episodes stretched my appetite and the story was filling. Lately there HAVE BEEN MORE ANSWERS - don't always like the answers but the story has been narrowing and familiarity - yes familiarity has caused some of us know it alls some furious frustration. (I would rather be furious than blah.)
LOST: Live together or die alone
At this point in the storyline frustration comes naturally because 3 of the central characters are captive or hunted. This is a pinch point in the tale and at this bottleneck, the preasure is building. Hopefully the tension will not be lost on us.
LOST: While watching the preview part of LOST's return my frustration
with this tele tale became clarified. I have never really been a hater in fact generally I love (strange string of words) the show because of its imaginative potential, the complex, messed up grossly beautiful and relationally clumsy characters. Rather than being a snob - with and the amount of TV Americans consume- why shouldn't we feel like media critics - tis the way of journalism these days - editorialization.
Sorry about the tanget...
LOST captured my imagination in the past because the story was wide open - all things were new - faces, places, back stories. The early episodes stretched my appetite and the story was filling. Lately there HAVE BEEN MORE ANSWERS - don't always like the answers but the story has been narrowing and familiarity - yes familiarity has caused some of us know it alls some furious frustration. (I would rather be furious than blah.)
LOST: Live together or die alone
At this point in the storyline frustration comes naturally because 3 of the central characters are captive or hunted. This is a pinch point in the tale and at this bottleneck, the preasure is building. Hopefully the tension will not be lost on us.
What number will C-Webb play with for the Pistons?
Joe D.: "Ok ok ok Chris, you can have my number 4 if you come play for us."
Webber: "Nah, can't wear your number. I want a ring."
It seems that he came even easier than the Rasheed steal that happened almost 3 years ago. Will offically celebrate when he clears waivers.
I am excited. Was a huge Fab-5 fan. I know that part of U-M history has been wipped out with shame. If I remember right Webber got booed at the Palace his first return after his name was all over the booster bust. I confess he was in my doghouse but I have always followed his career as far away from Detroit as he traveled. He is back and this is a powerful moment for Webber to retire on a positive note with the best sports franchise in the US.
Tons of incredible memories watching the Fab-5 games with my Grandpa. The freshmen and sophomore title games. Ugh the timeout. Way more rich memories than frustration. Chris, Jalen, Juan, Jimmy, Ray....Eric Riley, Rob Pelinka, Dugan Fife...
It will be cool to see C-Webb in Pistons red white and blue no matter what number he wears.
(Rumors of trade with T-Wolves for Jaric - PLEASE don't get rid of Antonio. The other bigs can go. Oh and J. Max is untouchable so don't even think I was including him in the bigs that can go!)
Detroit does need a guard.
Bye Nazr!
Joe D.: "Ok ok ok Chris, you can have my number 4 if you come play for us."
Webber: "Nah, can't wear your number. I want a ring."
It seems that he came even easier than the Rasheed steal that happened almost 3 years ago. Will offically celebrate when he clears waivers.
I am excited. Was a huge Fab-5 fan. I know that part of U-M history has been wipped out with shame. If I remember right Webber got booed at the Palace his first return after his name was all over the booster bust. I confess he was in my doghouse but I have always followed his career as far away from Detroit as he traveled. He is back and this is a powerful moment for Webber to retire on a positive note with the best sports franchise in the US.
Tons of incredible memories watching the Fab-5 games with my Grandpa. The freshmen and sophomore title games. Ugh the timeout. Way more rich memories than frustration. Chris, Jalen, Juan, Jimmy, Ray....Eric Riley, Rob Pelinka, Dugan Fife...
It will be cool to see C-Webb in Pistons red white and blue no matter what number he wears.
(Rumors of trade with T-Wolves for Jaric - PLEASE don't get rid of Antonio. The other bigs can go. Oh and J. Max is untouchable so don't even think I was including him in the bigs that can go!)
Detroit does need a guard.
Bye Nazr!
Bond or Bauer
I recently watched the new Bond flick. Good movie. Entertaining.
Not long after walking out of the cinema I wondered Bond or Bauer. Jack Bauer for those unfamiliar with L.A. CTU super agent. Obviously this is a question rooted in a fictional reality. So this is a fictional argument.
I was torn until tonight.
The beginning of another of day of 24. A four-hour, 2-night premiere.
I pick...
Jack Bauer.
The man escaped by bitting one of his captors in the neck and not letting go until the bad guy wasn’t getting any fresh blood to his brain.
Jack spit the carotid artery out when it was over.
I know Bond’s jewels got banged with a mooring line and he didn’t lose his sense of humor – “scratch my balls” was a clever conversation. Bond is a legend and now we get to see Daniel Craig establish the making of a legend. A fresh new start.
Back to Bauer. He is reckless and less physically impressive than the classic bond. He sure ain’t pretty. Day six seems hopeless as the potential for carnage is anywhere and everywhere. Exponential deaths are not happening all at once but an exponential body count is racking up all over the country. It is a weak time for America and a faint Jack Bauer. A shell of the Jack he once was.
Bond is royal.
Bauer is noble.
Bond is metro.
Bauer is macho.
Bond is smooth.
Bauer is forceful.
Bond is cunning.
Bauer is resourceful…
I cannot pick the winner in a hand fight or a shoot out. Both are incredibly lucky when running under fire. Bond has incredible gadgets and Bauer is able to draw the maximum potential out of resources and populace. Bond smooth talks and Bauer inspires. Both face battles within western paradigm and the worldview of the extreme. Bond represents class and Bauer is character.
Bauer flanks Bond.
Bond gets the job done and there is always some sort of personal payoff at the end wether it is payback or pleasure.
Bauer gets the job done and has less and less at the end of the day.
Bond will live forever but it takes how many guys to be him?
Bauer will burn out but endure.
I recently watched the new Bond flick. Good movie. Entertaining.
Not long after walking out of the cinema I wondered Bond or Bauer. Jack Bauer for those unfamiliar with L.A. CTU super agent. Obviously this is a question rooted in a fictional reality. So this is a fictional argument.
I was torn until tonight.
The beginning of another of day of 24. A four-hour, 2-night premiere.
I pick...
Jack Bauer.
The man escaped by bitting one of his captors in the neck and not letting go until the bad guy wasn’t getting any fresh blood to his brain.
Jack spit the carotid artery out when it was over.
I know Bond’s jewels got banged with a mooring line and he didn’t lose his sense of humor – “scratch my balls” was a clever conversation. Bond is a legend and now we get to see Daniel Craig establish the making of a legend. A fresh new start.
Back to Bauer. He is reckless and less physically impressive than the classic bond. He sure ain’t pretty. Day six seems hopeless as the potential for carnage is anywhere and everywhere. Exponential deaths are not happening all at once but an exponential body count is racking up all over the country. It is a weak time for America and a faint Jack Bauer. A shell of the Jack he once was.
Bond is royal.
Bauer is noble.
Bond is metro.
Bauer is macho.
Bond is smooth.
Bauer is forceful.
Bond is cunning.
Bauer is resourceful…
I cannot pick the winner in a hand fight or a shoot out. Both are incredibly lucky when running under fire. Bond has incredible gadgets and Bauer is able to draw the maximum potential out of resources and populace. Bond smooth talks and Bauer inspires. Both face battles within western paradigm and the worldview of the extreme. Bond represents class and Bauer is character.
Bauer flanks Bond.
Bond gets the job done and there is always some sort of personal payoff at the end wether it is payback or pleasure.
Bauer gets the job done and has less and less at the end of the day.
Bond will live forever but it takes how many guys to be him?
Bauer will burn out but endure.
Some very cool soccer news! David Beckham will be coming to America to play for MLS team L.A. Galaxy.
The move has been talked about for months now.
MLS adjusted its salary cap system to allow clubs some financial liberty to attract big dollar players.
The cost for Becks: 250 million over 5 years. I do not think that the price tag is just for his playing skill. He has huge marketing power ecspecially in a big market city. He should draw crowds to the stadiums. Not sure about tele ratings.
It will be interesting to see where he plays on the field. He would make a midfield that already has Landon Donovan and wily vet Cobi Jones dynamic. Lots of entertaining possibilities!
I hope that he has a positive impace on the sport in the states and that his name doesn't overshadow the sport. I hope that he can remain content and stay fit.
Late summer/early fall road trip to a Chicago Fire v. L.A. Galaxy match anyone?
The move has been talked about for months now.
MLS adjusted its salary cap system to allow clubs some financial liberty to attract big dollar players.
The cost for Becks: 250 million over 5 years. I do not think that the price tag is just for his playing skill. He has huge marketing power ecspecially in a big market city. He should draw crowds to the stadiums. Not sure about tele ratings.
It will be interesting to see where he plays on the field. He would make a midfield that already has Landon Donovan and wily vet Cobi Jones dynamic. Lots of entertaining possibilities!
I hope that he has a positive impace on the sport in the states and that his name doesn't overshadow the sport. I hope that he can remain content and stay fit.
Late summer/early fall road trip to a Chicago Fire v. L.A. Galaxy match anyone?
First Day of School
LOOKINGFORAFACE: I am entering a period of rebirth. That is the way I am approaching each day anyhow. For the past 6 years I have been investing myself into preserving and prolonging other people's life. It was a very deep and consuming era. Parts of me were carved out and I gained insights into pain and patience and restoration and departure.
Today is a day to begin absorbing life. For more than the past decade I have lived two types of lives: a creative or a technical life. I hope that I have the capacity for the two types to merge. It has taken 28 years for my corpus callosum to unite the types. Creatively I feel a bit in the nether world but I hope my waking and imagining eyes can project enough to my hands so that my craft sharpens and connects with others. It is my desire to continue to invest life in others.
Today is a day to begin absorbing life. For more than the past decade I have lived two types of lives: a creative or a technical life. I hope that I have the capacity for the two types to merge. It has taken 28 years for my corpus callosum to unite the types. Creatively I feel a bit in the nether world but I hope my waking and imagining eyes can project enough to my hands so that my craft sharpens and connects with others. It is my desire to continue to invest life in others.
Yesterday, a long time friend arrived in Ghana, West Africa

Mike will be working for Mercy Ships and the people of West Africa as the mechanic for the Community Development fleet
This is an awesome adventure for Mike
Pray that God will guide his steps, give him insight and resource to solve mechanical problems and that his awesome variety of gifts will quicken his team and draw the lonely and sick to God - oh and for his parents - I hear moms tend to worry when their boys are off in beautfiul Africa.
To keep up with Mike click on AFRICA MIKE in my links list!

Mike will be working for Mercy Ships and the people of West Africa as the mechanic for the Community Development fleet
This is an awesome adventure for Mike
Pray that God will guide his steps, give him insight and resource to solve mechanical problems and that his awesome variety of gifts will quicken his team and draw the lonely and sick to God - oh and for his parents - I hear moms tend to worry when their boys are off in beautfiul Africa.
To keep up with Mike click on AFRICA MIKE in my links list!
Liverpool Football Making Up Ground

Liverpool finished 2006 undefeated at home in the Premiership Standings. Despite being 14 points back of Man U. I have optimism going into 2007 as the club climbed into the top three in the Premiership. If the club can get points on the road (where they have grossly failed) and continue their "almost unbeatable Anfield" play they can gain on the leaders. It is a very tight race between the 3-12 teams. With 16 League matches left there is little room for mistake for Liverpool not only to have a real shot at the league but to finish in the top 4.
In Champions League, The Reds, won the group and advanced into the knock out stages. They face a mysterious Barca - first away and then make at Anfield. Eto is injured and there has been some turmoil on the Spainish side. It could be a classic matchup or one side might run away with it. I expect a fight as the Champions from 2005 face the Champions from 2006. If Liverpool doesn't lose any points in the away match they would enter Anfield very confident as historically they have an incredible home record in Champions League Play.
From what I have read the team has tightend defensive form and the attack has finally started getting rewarded for all the quality strikes.
Transfer season loams and there is always intrigue for the potential players and potential money moving around as managers look for solutions. This could be a unique transfer window for Liverpool as the team could be purchased and become one of the richest clubs in the world! Rafa has been resourceful what could he do with some extra currency?
Lastly, it is safe to say that if the players stay healthy and Rafa continues masterfully matching up with all the different clubs Liverpool Football Club can look forward to the possibilities of more significant hardware.
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