
One of my favorite presents...

Modeling my new headlamp (no photoshop tricks).

Not afraid of the dark!



Three Years - 1095 Days
A Bond before God
Wedded Connection

Marit - I call her "Love"

Hope to learn some deeper Norwegian to describe her Viking Beauty because she is not from the same world I come from.

Viking Beauty: Calm compass and Gentle Mover

She puts up with all my B.S. and moves on and gives me space to grow on

We grow together Lover
Live together Most Friend
Adventure into Kindred Mission
Together Purpose on the same path, the same mission, part of the same heart

Marit - I call her Love.

"Marit, I love you."

God Bless 1095+

Christmas Traditions Formed and New

I like to call good traditions FORMED because FORMED sounds like there is more potential compared to OLD traditions.

Formed: Christmas Eve Service at Vineyard

Formed: Christmas Eve Strawberry Shortcake and singing "Happy Birthday" to Jesus. A candle for each of us there.

Formed and GETTING VERY OLD: Begining Christmas at my parents at 7:30 AM. It is my sister's doing. This will hopefully be remedied in the next 363 days or so.

NEW: A Christmas Prayer and Blessing from my Parents. Ma read from Matthew 6 and encouraged us not to be anxious for anything and Pa prayed for each us and our adventures.

Formed: Kind family sharing. Lentz stockings are awesome - Ma had to set them inside gift bags she stuffed them so crazy.

NEW: An Adopted idea- everyone secretly puts the same item in each stocking...it might be common to others but it was new for us and Mom really crammed the goods this year as well-she delivered our stockings to us in gift bags - how American.

Formed: Sprawling morning feast that lasts in sustinance into the late afternoon.

Formed: Multiple Trans-Atlantic phone calls. Lots of Norwegian conversation, a few tears and crying and lots of laughter and hope that paths will cross safe and soon.

NEW: Had a Christmas feast at John, Cathy, Sara and Lily's house.
Eddie, Christina, Trisha, Dirsa, Robert, Anna Grace and Marit and I.
I try not to use the word "fellowship" because I think it is a powerful word - this was sweet fellowship.
Conversation - amazing tastes - lots of laughter - it was a beautiful Christmas night.
Cathy lead us in a discussion for what we are thankful for and John prayed the evening Divine Hours.
Some Presents
Uker (not sure who won- but lots of chatter - none of it table talk i am sure).
Settlers (Jon won the first game in dominating form and Mark won the second in a tight expansion race).
Like I said - sweet fellowship.

Driving home Marit and I concluded this was an excellent Christmas - somethings formed and somethings new.


Somethings Old and Somethings New

This year one of my favorite....

Bands was...: Hillsong United - totally new (to me) group/church, they are not really a band and that makes it even richer. Several of their tracks quickly rose into the top 25 most played (top 25 over the last 3 years and counting in iTunes!).

Shows was...: MI5 (Spooks in the UK) Season three was the most daring so far. Many farwells. Very sharp overall production.

Teams...: This was the year I fell in love with Liverpool Football Club. It feels like I have been a supporter my entire life. Such a heritage rich club. I hope I represent them well in America!

Events...: Summer Soccer - an intense 13 Sundays with a mass of young students challenging me physically, creativly and spiritually.

Moments...: Holding my first nephew Andrew Joseph for the first time and holding him again and again and again.....

Experiences was...: Taking part in and witnessing a 15-3-1 WCA Soccer season-the best in school history.

Projects was....: Project Skywalker - an ongoing labor of photographing open sky.

(Aslan Nearby)

So 2006 was a revival year for me.

For a time I just felt like I had been in a spiritual cellar.
(Cel-lar: A room wholly or partly below ground level that is not suitable as living space and is usually used for storage.)
I realized some destructive patterns in my life - one of them being my melancholic tendencies.
Melancholy is part of my design - strength and a weakness. Instead of only a burden or potential defeat I want to use my oft sober insight into others as a strength for them - and an ingredient for victory.
Mel-an-chol-y: thoughtful or gentle sadness.

Joy is a powerful almost must have for revival.
Obsessive or Intense consumption of things that give me "joy" like Pistons, XBOX FIFA, iTunes downloads...In the times I felt cold and under the ice I tried to inflate myself with too much of these. Instead of expierencing JOY I experienced NEED.
I have had much life invested into me. I do not need to be the center of my social world. (I am a boring hub but I know I can invest in the life of others party...)
Now instead of merely getting joy I want to live life in a way that has the potential to GIVE JOY.
I think giving joy is more powerful and more significant than getting joy.
Of course while giving you get some along the way...

Somethings Old and Somethings New How About You?


Almost Over

Starting Sunday 12/24 "2006 - In no particular order"
Everyone loves lists right?


"Can I take it with me?"

When Marit and I have been pondering a purchase
or I have been salivating over beautiful screens
a question that continues to come up:

"Can I take it with me?"

Will it fit in my carry on?

Will it break my back (and the bank)?

What is the potential of what I acquire and carry?

Will it work in another country?

This echoes our financial philosophy on the fridge door:
"Do I want the latest and greatest toy or my dream?"
"Do I want to rent that movie or see my dream?"
"Do I want to eat that fancy cheeseburger or have my dream?"

Of course we have some cool toys, stop by Video Palace and eat fancy burgers but these are the questions that we check off. It is often annoying because since I was old enough to understand "no" is not a cool answer. A dream or a vision is greater than a fad and can you take it with you?


Jason Max. No. 54 - Game winning shot...

Went to a Pistons game with Steve, Dustin and Marit.
Great conversations. Great seats. Great view. Great experience. Nice Piston's win.

On the journey back home Dustin and I picked a 10 man team and the only rule was they had to be active and they could not currently play for the Pistons.

Dustin picked first...

Dustin's Franchise:
Nate Robinson
Rashard Lewis
Jason Kidd

Mark's Franchise:
Amare S.
Dwight Howard
C. Paul
Elton Brand
Joe Johnson
Jason Richardson
Ridnnor (Frodo)

Dustin and I have not figured out how we are going to pay these guys.
I propose a team tax on all individual endorsements.
Who do you think would win?