Bands was...: Hillsong United - totally new (to me) group/church, they are not really a band and that makes it even richer. Several of their tracks quickly rose into the top 25 most played (top 25 over the last 3 years and counting in iTunes!).
Shows was...: MI5 (Spooks in the UK) Season three was the most daring so far. Many farwells. Very sharp overall production.
Teams...: This was the year I fell in love with Liverpool Football Club. It feels like I have been a supporter my entire life. Such a heritage rich club. I hope I represent them well in America!
Events...: Summer Soccer - an intense 13 Sundays with a mass of young students challenging me physically, creativly and spiritually.
Moments...: Holding my first nephew Andrew Joseph for the first time and holding him again and again and again.....

Experiences was...: Taking part in and witnessing a 15-3-1 WCA Soccer season-the best in school history.

Projects was....: Project Skywalker - an ongoing labor of photographing open sky.

(Aslan Nearby)
So 2006 was a revival year for me.
For a time I just felt like I had been in a spiritual cellar.
(Cel-lar: A room wholly or partly below ground level that is not suitable as living space and is usually used for storage.)
I realized some destructive patterns in my life - one of them being my melancholic tendencies.
Melancholy is part of my design - strength and a weakness. Instead of only a burden or potential defeat I want to use my oft sober insight into others as a strength for them - and an ingredient for victory.
Mel-an-chol-y: thoughtful or gentle sadness.
Joy is a powerful almost must have for revival.
Obsessive or Intense consumption of things that give me "joy" like Pistons, XBOX FIFA, iTunes downloads...In the times I felt cold and under the ice I tried to inflate myself with too much of these. Instead of expierencing JOY I experienced NEED.
I have had much life invested into me. I do not need to be the center of my social world. (I am a boring hub but I know I can invest in the life of others party...)
Now instead of merely getting joy I want to live life in a way that has the potential to GIVE JOY.
I think giving joy is more powerful and more significant than getting joy.
Of course while giving you get some along the way...
Somethings Old and Somethings New How About You?
1 comment:
it is so awesome how you love andrew so much -from a new parent perspective it is so amazing when your family loves your baby - i bet it means a lot to bethany....
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