shot at 200mm for 10 seconds at f/22 ISO 200
panned tripod

this was my first week back to the dark side (night shift)
do not worry I am not using a red light saber now
although I would be open to double-wielding a red saber with my blue crystal saber
i like going to bed at 7am instead of getting to work then
and I like waking up around 5PM because that means I missed the rat race
from a work perspective I feel more in control of my routine on night however there is much more space to cover but the space is empty except for me, nurses and the patients
it was good to work day shift for a bit but day shift is a rat race to me and night shift is a marathon
more routine and space to get the job done not to mention significant less battles on the commute
not necessarily an easier job just a different job with a different tone and pace
marit's routine will be dramatically changing this week
tonight (saturday) and tommorow are her last shifts as tech
she will be starting as a GRAD NURSE!
she is an awesome healer
quiet, present strength
grace-peace-courage-nothing dents her-for real-she is my hero
wise eye
steady touch
calm just slightly accented voice and graceful natural unvain beauty
make her an awesome, AWESOME vessel of care

marit and my path will cross uniquely
it must
it will
and be well
the excess blogging is a result of the isolation of nights off which have had mixed productivity for school and photo jobs
i sense the blog taking a more other person direction...not pointing people out but embracing their thoughts and being not just my introspective chatter and pooh...there will be that too
if any of you pull an all nighter and need someone to get something from meijer buzz my cell or make an appointment if i am off i will more than likely comply and serve
well it is almost 8a
past my bed time
the sun is up
looks like it will be a beautiful day
to the bat cave
(the natural part of the dark side is being seperated from beauty by forces of nature and designations of time, the craft of the dark side is training your eyes to see beauty in a new light)
great stuff, you're last few posts and photos.
ah...the dark side...i have lived here so long i don't know anything comforts knows me as well as i know it...but soon i am going to join the rat race...neither word am i fond of...rat...race...but i will try...for i can no longer live like this...although you are wise and tell me the grass is always greener...i believe you...but i must try...i can no longer manage with this in order to hopefully give you some amusement i will attempt to blog my rant...lets life...long stretches of night after night...missing my life around me...i am exhausted...i am granted 2 nights off in a row...where are you my friends and family ask...why are you still sleeping...its come you aren't me...scream the endless voicemails that have arrived to my phone while i try to steal precious sleep...where am i? i say...i am where you are at 7 AM...tired...dragging out of bed after 7 meager hours of sleep...not rested...not ready to face the day...night...whatever it is now...i need coffee...i am not ready to talk to you yet...8pm...where are you?...why are you still being lazy?...i am where you are in the morning...i need to shower...then i can talk to you...ok...930 pm...i am ready...lets go...lets do are putting kids to are have to work in the morning...there goes another day of my life...lets see...i will watch MORE tv...thats all i do...late into the day goes by...bed at 8am...all is happening without me...again...on the rare night...someone withough children wants to venture out into the night world with me...instead of too much tv its too much drinking...which leads to the only remaining "day off" of feeling terrible and you guessed it...too much sleeping...then it starts all over again...too much work...too much sleep...too much tv...too much booze...too much of missing my i will leave the comforts of the dark side...i will venture to days of sun...of shopping somewhere other than meijers...of sleeping without eyemasks and ear plugs...of being able to make calls and run errands when establishments are actually open...of seeing my friends and family without the guilt of when i sleep or hiding my yawns...but it is scary...i am unsure...i may be back...but i must try...thanks for always listening...for being such a bright spot in all of our shifts...for your optimism and your purity...those around you are lucky to have you...may you find peace and find the hidden beauty always...
that picture of marit is absolutely stunning. well done, sir. well done.
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