(warning the following contains several uncouth, unsanctioned PG-13 medical terms)
so who flung pooh?
it is not exactly what it sounds like but it is
(some of you know me to be a “s*** magnet” but that’s a different conversation)
i have shied from blogging
(is that really a word yet? may need to update spell check)
because as it is i think our self that is aimed at media is saturated with so many memoirs
(autobiographies, personal agenda marketing, yack- yack-yack & blah-blah-blah)
who really cares?
for some reason most of us care and that is why humans attempt to engage (enrage) with others
we are defined by others:
tried the individualistic model of existence with all its “be true to yourself” rhetoric
(ridiculous rhetoric)
(gross generalization warning!)
as an individualistic vagabond one can’t stomach the fact they once needed training wheels because their personal paradigm is based on a radical “me first!” mentality and that is why it sells
“just because it sells, doesn’t mean it works” – anonymous, fictional infomercial producer
from my limited experience as one of the herd
we are defined by others in a powerful way
sometimes it is sweet intimacy
bitter pain
in poor man’s terms the works of Shakespeare were bitter sweet interpersonal exchanges
why does reality TV work so well?
And if you watched ya need an alliance to win
(another anonymous quote warning!)
it doesn’t sound trendy yet
“for the self it is more rich to be true to others”
-some simple proverb, hard to put words on
(personal memoir types of sentiment warning!)
I ventured to blog because I am betting that most of us have a part of us that is starving for
conversation, connection, contact
There must be lots of money in the personal ad industry
Just look at your email account’s junk box or
people are starved for conversation, connection, contact
when I hear the word “blog” an image of a make shift bridge develops in my mind
it is pretty simple and that is why I am testing the realm of blog
converse, connect, contact
I confess I sometimes listen to others so that they will listen to me
take a dump
who flung pooh?